Would you buy SSL Certificates if we sold them?
AlienLayer is considering selling SSL Certificates. We want to know if you’d buy any if we offered them. Pricing for a basic SSL certificate will start at $12/year. Would you buy one? [...]Read more
Installing Nginx, Along with PHP, MYSQL
Nginx is a high performance HTTP server. It provides very fast speed of delivering web pages, and uses fewer resources at the same time. With Nginx (Pronounced Engine X) A server with low [...]Read more
Install and configure NTP to synchronize the system clock on CentOS
Q. How do I install and configure NTP under CentOS Linux 5 server to synchronize the system clock? A. You can easily install NTP (Network Time Protocol, a means of transmitting time signals over [...]Read more
UFOHost Launches
Alienlayer is now offering web hosting services.Read more
AlienVPS ReLaunches!
We have just launched a brand new AlienVPS website now with 3 VPS Locations and 8 Plans to choose from.Read more