Articles posted by "admin"

Would you buy SSL Certificates if we sold them?
AlienLayer is considering selling SSL Certificates. We want to know if you’d buy any if we offered them. Pricing for a basic SSL certificate will start at $12/year. Would you buy one? [...]Read more

Installing Nginx, Along with PHP, MYSQL
Nginx is a high performance HTTP server. It provides very fast speed of delivering web pages, and uses fewer resources at the same time. With Nginx (Pronounced Engine X) A server with low [...]Read more

Install and configure NTP to synchronize the system clock on CentOS
Q. How do I install and configure NTP under CentOS Linux 5 server to synchronize the system clock? A. You can easily install NTP (Network Time Protocol, a means of transmitting time signals over [...]Read more

UFOHost Launches
Alienlayer is now offering web hosting services.Read more

AlienVPS ReLaunches!
We have just launched a brand new AlienVPS website now with 3 VPS Locations and 8 Plans to choose from.Read more